Books and Theses
Anon.: MSU fur animal research report, 2000. Paperback, 106 pages, free. (Dept. of Animal Science, Michigan State University; 2000)
Anon.: MSU fur animal research, 1997. Paperback, 145 pages, free. (Dept. of Animal Science, Michigan State University; 1997)
Anon.: Fur bearing animal research. Paperback, 145 pages, free. (Dept. of Animal Science, Michigan State University; 1993)
Anon.: Mink and poultry research, 1990. Paperback, 137 pages, free. (Dept. of Animal Science, Michigan State University; 1991)
Anon.: Biology and pathology of farm bred fur-bearing animals. Abstracts of papers presented at Second All Union Scientific Conference, July 26-29, 1977. Translated from Russian. (1985)
Aasted, B.: Aleutian disease of mink: virology and immunology. Paperback. (Danske Pels Aktioners trykkeri, Denmark; 1985; ISBN: 8798200712)
Adams, L.H.: Mink raising. (A.R. Harding Publishing Co., Columbus, Ohio, 1935)
Ashbrook, F.G.: Fur farming – a profitable wildlife business. Paperback, 5 pages. (American Wildlife Institute, Washington, DC; 1946)
Aulerich, R.J., and S.J. Bursian: Mycotoxicoses in mink – a review. Paperback, 19 pages, free. (Dept. of Animal Science, Michigan State University; 2001)
Aulerich, R.J., D.C. Powell, and S.J. Bursian: Handbook of biological data for mink. Paperback, 138 pages, free. (Dept. of Animal Science, Michigan State University; 1999)
Aulerich, R.J.: Michigan’s fur bearing animal industry; special report 49, status and potential of Michigan agriculture – phase II. Paperback, 11 pages, free. (Michigan State University, Agricultural Experiment Station; 1992)
Aulerich, R.J., T.H. Coleman, D. Polin, et al.: Toxicological study of diisupropyl methylphosphonate and dicyclopentadiene in mallard ducks, bobwhite quail, and mink. Paperback, 343 pages. (Dept. of Poultry Science, Michigan State University; 1979)
Aulerich, R.J. (PhD thesis): Studies on urinary incontinence and “wet belly” in ranch mink (Mustela vison). 102 pages. (Dept. of Poultry Science, Michigan State University; 1967)
Baker, O.E.: The status of mink (Mustela vison) in South Carolina. Paperback, 47 pages. (Furbearer Project Publication No. 99-01, South Carolina Dept. of Natural Resources; 1999)
Blazej, A., A. Galatik, J. Galatik, Z. Krul, and M. Mladek: Atlas of microscopic structures of fur skins 1. Hardback, 377 pages. (Elsevier, New York; 1989; ISBN: 0444988998)
Bleavins, M.R. (PhD thesis): Toxicological manifestations of hexachlorobenzene exposure in the mink (Mustela vison) and the European ferret (Mustela purorius furo). 153 pages. (Dept. of Animal Science, Michigan State University; 1983)
Bleavins, M.R. (MS thesis): The effects of two polychlorinated biphenyl mixtures (Aroclors 1242 and 1016) on mink and ferrets. 67 pages. (Dept. of Animal Science, Michigan State University; 1980)
Bostrom, R.E. (MS thesis): The histology of the urinary system of the mink (Mustela vison). 82 pages. (Dept. of Anatomy, Michigan State University; 1966)
Brandt, A. (ed.): Haematology and clinical chemistry of fur animals. Paperback, 159 pages. (Scientifur, Tjele, Denmark, in cooperation with Institute of Biology, Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Science; 1989; ISBN: 8798195980)
Bush, C.R. (MS thesis): Development of behavioral tests for mink: Assessing the neurotoxicity of polychlorinated biphenyls and methylmercury in mink exposed in utero and during lactation. 87 pages. (Dept. of Animal Science, Michigan State University; 1998)
Byrne, J.J. (PhD thesis): Influence of polychlorinated biphenyl administration on reproductive and thyroid function in mink (Mustela vison). 134 pages. (Dept. of Physiology, Michigan State University; 1974)
Coombes, A.L., C.W. Lindow, W.L. Brickson, and E.B. Hart: Principles of feeding fox and mink. Hardback, 97 pages. (Kellogg Sales Co., Feed Division, Battle Creek, Michigan; 1950)
Crum, J.A. (MS thesis): The effects of heptachlor on reproduction in mink and evaluation of a technique to enhance the elimination of heptachlor epoxide. 98 pages. (Dept. of Animal Science, Michigan State University; 1992)
Dunstone, N.: The mink. Hardback, 232 pages. (Poyser Natural History, 1993; ISBN: 0856610801)
Enders, R.K.: Reproduction in the mink (Mustela vison). Paperback. (Proc. American Philosophical Society, 96(6):691-755; 1952)
Fuchs, V.R.: The economics of the fur industry. Hardback, 168 pages. (Columbia University Press, New York; 1957; Library of Congress catalogue card no. 57-6314)
Hansson, A.: The physiology of reproduction in mink (Mustela vison, Schreb) with special reference to delayed implantation. Paperback. (Acta Zoologica 28:1-136)
Hartsough, G.R.: The sapphire ratios. Paperback, 24 pages. (Associated Fur Farms Inc., New Holstein, Wisconsin; 1949)
Heaton, S.N. (MS thesis): Effects on reproduction of ranch mink fed carp from Saginaw Bay, Michigan. 152 pages. (Dept. of Animal Science, Michigan State University; 1992)
Henderson, D.W.: The complete breeders guide to the Stewart series. Paperback. (D.W. Henderson Associates, Sandy, Utah; 1948)
Henderson, D.W.: Mink: The jewel of American agriculture. Mink ranching in the US. Paperback, 55 pages. (National Board of Fur Farm Organizations, Milwaukee; 1965)
Hodgson, R.G.: The mink book: Development of the mink industry. Hardback, 234 pages, 2nd edition. (Fur Trade Journal of Canada, Toronto; 1945)
Holcomb, L.C. (PhD thesis): Reproductive physiology in mink (Mustela vison). 74 pages. (Dept. of Zoology, Michigan State University; 1963)
Hornshaw, T.C. (PhD thesis): Development of dietary LC50 and reproduction test protocols using mink and ferrets as representative mammalian carnivores. 212 pages. (Dept. of Animal Science, Michigan State University; 1984)
Hornshaw, T.C. (MS thesis): Renewed use of underutilized species of Great Lakes fish for animal feed. 45 pages. (Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University; 1981)
Hunter, D.B., and L. Lemieux (eds.): Mink … biology, health, and disease. Paperback. (Canadian Mink Breeders Association, Rexdale, Ontario; 1996; ISBN: 0889554536)
Iwamoto, S. (MS thesis): The effects of polychlorinated biphenyls and coho salmon on mink. 73 pages. (Dept. of Poultry Science, Michigan State University; 1973)
Jones, R.E., Jr. (PhD thesis): The effects of added iodine and fishmeal on the reproduction and growth of mink (Mustela vison). 223 pages. (Dept. of Poultry Science, Michigan State University; 1980)
Jørgensen, G.: Mink production. In English, Danish, Japanese, Spanish. Hardback, 399 pages, color. (Scientifur, Hilleroed, Denmark; 1985; ISBN: 8798195905)
Kavanagh, T.J. (MS thesis): Toxicity of diisopropyl methylphosphonate and dicyclopentadiene to the mink (Mustela vison). 124 pages. (Dept. of Physiology, Michigan State University; 1979)
Kellogg, C.E., C.F. Bassett, and R.K. Enders: Mink raising. Contribution from the Bureau of Animal Industry to the USDA Circular Series, No. 801. 42 pages, illustrated. Library of Congress LCCN number: agr49-519. (USDA, Washington, DC, 1948)
Kennedy, A.H.: The mink in health and disease. Hardback, 311 pages. (Fur Trade Journal of Canada, Toronto; 1951)
Koudele, K.A. (PhD thesis): Effect of the ability to perceive photoperiod on reproduction in mink. 98 pages. (Dept. of Animal Science, Michigan State University; 1986)
Krause, D.M. (MS thesis): The cytoplasmic droplet on mink (Mustela vison) spermatozoa. 54 pages. (Dept. of Animal Science, Michigan State University; 1984)
LaBeree, E.E.: Breeding and reproduction in fur bearing animals. Hardback, 167 pages. (Fur Trade Journal of Canada, Toronto; 1953)
Lagerkvist, G.: Selection for litter size, body weight, and pelt quality in mink (Mustela vison). Paperback. (Publication No. 103, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Dept. of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Uppsala, Sweden; 1993)
Leonard, A.H.: Modern mink management. Hardback, 206 pages, illustrated. (Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis; 1966; Library of Congress LCCN number: 67-3437)
Leonards, P.: PCBs in mustelids – analysis, food chain transfer, and critical levels. Paperback, 210 pages. (Vrije Universiteit, Institute for Environmental Studies, Amsterdam; 1997; ISBN: 9010219)
Lewis, L.A. (MS thesis): Effects of feeding fish collected downstream from Oak Ridge Reservation on the reproductive performance of mink. 102 pages. (Dept. of Animal Science, Michigan State University; 1995)
Li, C. (MS thesis): The effects of formaldehyde on bacterial growth in mink feed, feed consumption, and reproductive performance of adult mink, and growth of mink kits. 86 pages. (Dept. of Animal Science, Michigan State University; 1999)
Lyubashenko, S.Y. (ed.): Diseases of fur-bearing animals. Translated from Russian. Paperback, 393 pages. (Oxonian Press, New Delhi; 1983)
Murphy, B.D., and D.B. Hunter: Biology, pathology, and genetics of fur bearing animals. Paperback, 585 pages. (Hudson’s Bay Auction House, Rexdale, Ontario; 1988)
Nes, N., E. Einarsson, O. Lohi, and G. Jørgensen (Eds.), with contributions from S. Jarosz and R. Scheelje: Beautiful fur animals – and their colour genetics. 271 pages. In Norwegian, English, Swedish, Danish, Japanese. (Scientifur, 1987, 1988; ISBN 8798195956)
Penelaik, N.: Feeding fur-bearing animals. Translated from Russian by the Agricultural Research Survey, US Dept. of Agriculture and the National Science Foundation, Washington, DC. Paperback, 344 pages. (1975)
Radke, W.J., and R.B. Chiasson: Lab anatomy of the mink. Paperback, 166 pages. (McGraw-Hill, Boston; 1998; ISBN: 0697047938)
Reinig, M. and A. Reinig (eds.): Fur farm guide book, vol. 1. Hardback, 202 pages. (Fur Farm Publications, Inc., Duluth, MN; 1955)
Rouvinen-Watt, K. M. White, and R. Campbell: Mink feeds and feeding. Canadian Centre for Fur Animal Research, Nova Scotia Agricultural College, 2005. (ISBN 1-555174-323-X) Also on CD-ROM. (ISBN 1-55174-324-8)
Rouvinen-Watt, K.S. Randall, M. Johnson, and M. White (Eds.): Nova Scotia Fur Institute 15th Anniversary Book 1984-1999. Including Research Reports 2000. Nova Scotia Fur Institute, August 2001.
Shackelford, R.M.: Genetics of the ranch mink. (Pilsbury Publishers, Inc. in cooperation with Black Fox Magazine, 1950)
Smith, D.G., and M.P. Schenk: A dissection guide and atlas to the mink. Paperback, 122 pages. (Morton Publishing Co., Englewood, Colorado; 2000; ISBN: 0895824507)
Sundqvist, C.: Mink encyclopedia, parts I and II. 6,755 references to articles on mink. Paperback. (Dept. of Biology, Abo Akademi, Porthausgatau, Finland; 1989)
Travis, H.F., E.V. Evans, G. Joergensen, R.J. Aulerich, W.L. Leoschke, and J.E. Oldfield: Nutrient requirements of mink and foxes. Paperback, 72 pages. (Nutrient Requirements of Domestic Animals, No. 7, National Academy Press, Washington, DC; 1982)
Travis, H.F., and P.J. Schaible: Fundamentals of mink ranching. Paperback, 101 pages. (Circular Bulletin 229, Michigan State University, Agricultural Experiment Station; 1960; out of print)
Wehr, N.B., J. Adair, and J.A. Oldfield: Studies on the nature and cause of wet belly disease in mink – a review. Paperback, 105 pages. (Dept. of Animal Sciences, Oregon State University; 1993)